Don’t get ripped off by web company leeches, devoid of moral code or ethical backbone, but brimming with unnecessary technical jargon.

Sadly, many businesses come to us half way through a getting their new website, having spent thousands of dollars with very little to show for it, all because they were impressed by some web developer speaking jargon mumbo jumbo.

Yes the website technically working is super important but this should not be the first conversation that you have with a web company.

They should ask about you, about your business, about your plans, what you want to achieve with your website. They should talk about your branding, who your customers are, how you want to grow your business.

To be honest, they should not even mention the coding except for explaining the best platform on which to build your website.

It is so sad and upsetting to see businesses of all sizes losing money on incompetent web companies who have missed the whole point of a website which is to be your central marketing tool, represent you on the world stage, and HELP your business grow, not hinder it.

We did an ecommerce website for a client in Victoria earlier this year – similar situation, they had been ripped off previously by TWO web companies no less – and last week she rang.

It’s all your fault, she said. Whatthe?

It’s all your fault that my phone keeps ringing, because of the website that you designed, which has never worked better, both technically, and in terms of converting sales.

So, don’t be impressed by jargon and confusing techno wizards, and stop getting ripped off.

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