Don’t be scared. It’s only branding.
Does the word ‘branding’ fill you with horrifying black and white images of creative types sprouting on about marketing, equity, penetration or engagement? Worse, does it make you glaze over?
Do you have a business, and you know that you need to get your head around the branding part of your strategy, but really, it all sounds too hard?
Don’t worry, you are not alone.
Try thinking of your brand as a person, and connect with it on that basis. Here’s how:
1 | A brand is like a person
Each person naturally has their own way of conducting themself, and adapts to different situations within that set of behaviours.
So does a brand.
TIP: Your brand should be created with a set of behaviours in mind that positively promote your business.
2 | A brand is like a person.
A person creates an initial impression, good or bad, and like it or not, that impression sticks.
So does a brand.
TIP: Think carefully about how your brand is initially perceived, because changing that first impression is much harder than getting it right in the first place.
3 | A brand is like a person.
A person can be interesting, intriguing, charming, charismatic and draw other people to them like moths to a flame.
So can a brand.
TIP: Make sure your brand is appealing and attractive to the right people, your customers.
4 | A brand is like a person.
A person can be boring, dull, unexciting and lacklustre, repelling other people at a rate of knots.
So can a brand.
TIP: Knowing what your target customers don’t like is as important as knowing what they do.
5 | A brand is like a person.
A person has an emotional side and a rational side, and to operate at their best and most optimal level, these two sides should work as a balanced partnership.
So does a brand.
TIP: Blend expertise with personality to show a balanced business approach.
6 | A brand is like a person.
A person needs purpose, a goal, something to drive to them to achieve.
So does a brand.
TIP: Have a goal for your brand, identify where you would like it to take your business.
7 | A brand is like a person.
A person likes to have their own special sense of being unique, and when they surround themselves with others who appreciate their individual charm, they thrive.
So does a brand.
TIP: Position your business in the right stratosphere.
And finally, the most important reason:
8 | A brand is like a person.
A person needs to be shown love and affection. They need nurturing, attention, and regular health checks. They age and get tired, and need rejuvenating from time to time, maybe a visit to a health farm.
So does a brand.
TIP: Love and embrace, grow and evolve your brand alongside your business.
Get your head around these analogies, and it will be far easier to understand how important your brand is to your business.