…without ramming it down their throats.
Are you selling online?
Doesn’t matter what it is – a product, a service, a course … whatever.
If you are selling online, then there is one major barrier that you will have to overcome. It’s something that ALL businesses have to overcome. In every industry. On every platform.
Trust. One small word that is FILLED to the brim with meaning.
Compelling a customer to contact you, buy from you, enrol with you demands that they first trust you. So how do we do that without heading over to their place and saying hello in person?
It’s a staged process.
And it is something that the majority of businesses don’t do particularly well.
Trust. One small word that is FILLED to the brim with meaning.
Compelling a customer to contact you, buy from you, enrol with you demands that they first trust you. So how do we do that without heading over to their place and saying hello in person?
It’s a staged process.
And it is something that the majority of businesses don’t do particularly well.
Here’s how it works:
FIRSTLY ... people need to know about you. And here is something that nearly every business owner or marketer gets wrong – the first time they hear about you? There is about as much chance of them buying from you as a snowball in hell.
They don’t know who you are, they don’t even know why you are different, or who buys from you already… which leads to …
SECONDLY …people need to understand what makes your product, service or course different – and not in ways that YOU tell them. In ways that OTHERS tell them. So through testimonials, reviews, reports from others, those that are just hearing about you can build up a sense of knowing from what others say…
[ Interjection here – these steps are not one offs. They are things that have to be done over and over, in a strategic way….]
THIRDLY … people need to see the VALUE in your product, service or course, particularly in comparison to others. If they are going to take that first step in doing business with you, they NEED to know that they are getting value.
FOURTHLY … by this stage, there should be no choice. The decision is made – you have built up credibility through delivering content and information that makes sense, you have authority through what others say, your value is on point – there are no more barriers.
They TRUST you.
And then they buy from you.