What is the Facebook Pixel, and why do you need it on your website?
Have you heard about the Facebook Pixel, and are not sure what it is, why you need it, or how it can help your business and marketing strategy?
If it’s sounding familiar, and you want to know more, just keep reading.
The Facebook Pixel is VITAL for your online marketing strategy and advertising – it’s a pocket rocket – so small, but ever so powerful. And here is why.
Because it helps you find the people you want – your target market – your perfect customer.
2 Reasons why you will learn to love the Facebook Pixel
- It allows us to measure out data and track it. This means we can measure our ROI directly.
- It allows us to understand our customer.
What it actually is…
The Facebook Pixel is a little piece of code.
It’s a miniscule piece of DNA about your business that you can install into the header of your website, which delivers an incredible amount of information.
Information about the people who have visited your website.
Think about it. If you are spending money sending people to your website, through online advertising, or traditional marketing, imagine being able to track information about those people, and show them more products, offers, specials about your business.
It’s multiple-touch marketing at its most powerful.
The technical description is like this: by placing your own unique pixel onto your website’s code, you all Facebook to use cookie-tracking. It can then send data back to your Ads Manager account whenever a user interacts with your ads and website.
The pixel is responsible for every piece of data in your campaigns:
- Creating audiences
- Retargeting
- Developing lists of people who have engaged with your ads
- What they do
- Where they shop
- Whey they live
- How old they are
- If they are male or female
- Where they look at Facebook mostly, either mobile or Desktop
If you are using your website as the heart of your marketing, with online advertising as the next big step, it’s absolutely vital to have this code installed correctly.
How to install it on your website
Most website platforms have a plugin or similar to make it super easy to install your Facebook Pixel.
Wordpress: The PixelMySite plugin is popular, link is here: https://www.pixelyoursite.com/
Shopify: Flexify is the perfect fit: https://apps.shopify.com/partners/flexify
Squarespace: Connect your Facebook account here: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/2055795004658619
If your website is html, then just get your web developer to insert the code as supplied by Facebook into the header of your site. Here is more information for you: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/651294705016616
If you want to know how to create your first pixel, and then install it, just go here: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/314143995668266
If you need help getting it done, or developing a strategy based around the pixel tracking, I can certainly help.
Got questions? Just sing out!